Thursday, February 2, 2012

Welcome to my blog!


If you are reading this, you likely have one of two objectives:

1) I know you and you decided that you wanted to read about my life.
2) You saw that this blog has posts about the Disney College Program and decided that you had to know more!

Either way, I say good for you! Let us begin with a general update.

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Sarah Hayes. I lived in Ohio, but have recently moved to Florida to do my student teaching. When I graduate in May, I will be licensed to teach drama/theatre for grades k-12. Pretty sweet. That being said, I would prefer to educate through the lens of a full time theatrical performer. My goal is to get a job with the Disney company in their entertainment department. I have my eyes set on the Disney Cruise Line. For now, I am auditioning, visiting casting, and applying for the Disney College Program while I am here in Florida!

My student teaching here has been quite interesting. The schedule is a bit strange because we have to stay for after school rehearsals so our class load is lighter. I participate in 2 classes each day; theatre and public speaking. The theatre class is working on their annual showcase called Showtime and that goes up in round about two weeks. After that, we have a quick "winter" break (lol, it's Florida, there is no winter.) and then I start teaching. We will also rehearse for the Spring musical Grease at that time. More about those items later.

I have several more recent endeavors, one of them being the application process for the Disney College Program. I had my Web Based Interview (I will discuss in depth in a following post) and passed that as a "strong candidate." Tomorrow at 1 PM is my phone interview. I am nervous, but no more than I think I should be. I feel prepared and just like my blog title says, whatever is, Sarah will be! I will carry on regardless of what happens with my interview tomorrow.

I am also working on getting some inventory for an Etsy store. I found a simple pattern for diaper covers and plan on making several of those to sell as my source of income while I student teach.

Currently I am baking a frozen pizza (I usually embark on cooking adventures, but I've had a migraine since late last night and I wasn't feeling up to putting effort into my dinner) and waiting for the start of my Thursday night television shows. 30 minutes until Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, and PROJECT RUNWAY! Love that show. Anywho, I'll also be doing some minor costume work for Showtime this evening. We have dress rehearsal on Saturday so all of the costumes need to be wearable by then. Yikes!

If anyone is looking to hear about anything specific in my life, feel free to leave a comment. I will work to make sure that everyone finds something to read about.

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